
Below an overview is given of the updates of StageRace. Per update a list of modifications (fixes) is given in descending order of priority, severity or appreciation.

Updates Overview


Version no.



2005.3.00 bèta


New version (upgrade)

2005.3.01 bèta


New version (upgrade)



First final release

2005.3.11 update


Final release update

2005.3.12 update


Final release update

2005.3.13 update


Final release update

2005.3.14 update


Final release update

2005.3.20 update


Final release update

2005.3.21 update


Final release update

2005.3.22 update


Final release update

2005.3.23 update


Final release update

2005.3.24 update


Final release update

The following are releases from the 2003 version series of StageRace:

Version no.



2003.2.00 bèta


New version (upgrade)

2003.2.01 bèta


New version (upgrade)

2003.2.02 bèta


New version (upgrade)



First final release

2003.2.04 update


Final release update

2003.2.05 update


Final release update

2003.2.10 update


Final release update

2003.2.11 update


Final release update

2003.2.12 update


Final release update

The following are releases from the 2000 version series of StageRace:

Version no.



2000.1.01 bèta


First official release

2000.1.02 bèta



2000.1.03 bèta



2000.1.04 bèta



2000.1.05 bèta



2000.1.06 bèta



2000.1.07 bèta





First final release

2000.1.11 update



2000.1.12 update



2000.1.20 update


Concluding release

2000.1.21 update



2000.1.22 update



2000.1.23 update



2000.1.24 update




Fixes per Update


Date Version number Status

Apr. 5th 2005

Program: V3.00 - 2005.3.00 bèta

File format:


Messaging protocol:

SR Server 1.00

The following internal beta builds lead to this V3.00 beta release:

  • Build 1535
  • Build 1563
  • Build 1591
  • Build 1656: April 5th 2005

Publication Settings

  1. Choose to print property label values under their labels rather than next to
  2. Choose to have the applicable time zone printed as part of publications' time stamps
  3. Choose to have the time stamp use seconds accuracy, rather than hours and minutes only
  4. Additionally to printing no signature or printing an entered signature, a default signature can be chosen that prints "College de Commissaires" in appropriate languages
  5. Choose to print only the StageRace advertisement on the bottom (as a single line), instead of also the Classification Service that can be entered
  6. Choose to print the table of contents in reverse order
  7. Choose to print the speed for every competitor in a time trial
  8. Choose where on the table of contents to print the competitor lists (top/bottom)
  9. Choose to print time trials entirely without 1/xth seconds
  10. Choose to print a number of pixels in between each column (only really working for printing)
  11. Choose to print the involved competitors of the teams classification in full detail (UCI code, name, category, etc., as in "Columns selection for individual classifications")
  12. Choose the number of columns to print competitor lists on teams in (1 (as before) thru 6)
  13. Choose the classification service URL to be interpreted as web or e-mail URL, so that it can be hyperlinked properly
  14. Choose to print the number of competitors and teams as a property on top of competitors lists
  15. Choose to print competitor names on cross-out lists

HTML Settings and Printing

  1. Choose for relative font sizes, so a browser user can resize content
  2. Choose the type of main body font between serif and sans-serif
  3. Publications ("dummy's") can be generated even if no data are available (yet). Such publications only consist of an identification of the item plus a message indicating that no appropriate data was available
  4. Enter the font size as a single percentage value relative to the StageRace default values
  5. Enter custom HTML fragments to be added at the top respectively the bottom of publications
  6. A number of tags are incorporated in the generated HTML to easily parse certain parts of publications, such as the body table, the first ten ranked competitors, etc. The tags are disguised as comments ("<!--")
  7. Publication generating is moved to a separate thread and therefore runs fully in the background. Progress is shown in a progress control on the status bar and on completion a sound alert is fired. Multiple requests for the same generation job are filtered back to a minimum of processing
  8. Hyperlinks from team codes to competitors list on teams can be chosen not to be printed
  9. The start order column on time trial starting order publications has its own column header texts rather than saying "Position"
  10. Classification sponsors can be entered (in general settings) and activated (in publication settings) to be printed in conjunction with the event sub title
  11. "Mask #" can be hidden on publications through the general settings
  12. "bold" class available in the embedded HTML styles for highlighting teams between involved competitors listings on teams classifications
  13. H6 styled last line of each publication made even smaller
  14. Sign in lists now added to table of contents
  15. Choose to generate an additional general classification sorted on start no. for each half stage


  1. Unicode support throughout the application (except e-mail sending)
  2. Language identifiers in publication settings can only be entered using the character ranges A-Z and 0-9
  3. Choose to print HTML files as full two-byte Unicode files or with HTML encoded Unicode characters in single-byte files
  4. MultiLanguage database updated to Jet 4.0, database file is renamed to MultiLanguage2005.mdb


  1. Spare competitors are included in the Apply mask algorithm
  2. With Cleanup competitors in the Edit menu the list of competitors and teams can be gone over to correct typos of selected sorts
  3. The Apply a mask dialog shows nicer Target mask labels
  4. All fields of competitors/teams can be edited in-line
  5. Mask 'memberships' can be set/cleared in-line
  6. Icons added to list view items
  7. Grid and alternating shading visualisations added to list views

Publication View

  1. Increase or decrease the overall displayed font size through View, Font (also known as zoom in/out; only works for documents using relative font sizes)
  2. Context-sensitive right-click menu
  3. Monitor mode in the View menu will automatically refresh publications if they are regenerated (e.g. by an other instance of StageRace, e.g. on a different computer). This enables StageRace for use as a monitor application, for instance for an on-site presenter or journalists)
  4. With "Add file to monitor" non-StageRace files (HTML, text) can be opened in a publication view. As long as monitor mode is switched on, these files will be refreshed upon change (for performance reasons this is not working on legacy Windows versions 9x and Me)
  5. Viewed publications that are being updated on the background (by generating or monitoring) have their scroll position restored to the extent from before the update
  6. Viewed publications are only refreshed when it is that particular publication that is being regenerated, and not when just any publication is regenerated


  1. Communiqué editor revamped with larger work area and menu (rather than buttons)
  2. Styles sub paragraph header, bold, italic and underlined can be added to the communiqué body
  3. Forced page breaks for printing can be added to the communiqué body ("{pagebreak}")
  4. Competitors, teams and team captains can be referenced with special tags ("{comp, ...}", "{team, ...}" and "{captain, ...}"), so that they are inserted by StageRace in an uniformed way

Time Cut-Offs

  1. Time cut-off percentages can be entered in both the half stage configuration as well as in the corresponding arrival dialog
  2. Time cut-offs are displayed in the appropriate arrival dialog with red shading and font, and on publications with a separate header


  1. Through General settings half stage numbers can be suppressed when there is only one half stage in a full stage (1-1, 2-1, 3-1, 3-2, 4-1 becomes 1, 2, 3-1, 3-2, 4)
  2. Critical sections support added to hardware key functions
  3. Through Settings in the Configure menu multiple settings profiles can be set up and a current one can be chosen, all this to differentiate between publications for different audiences (e.g. web, jury, press, etc.). The Settings dialog shows the settings for the currently selected profile. All profiles share General, Ranking and Access settings.
  4. Copy function added to the Event items selection window that allows to copy selected publications to a different file location
  5. In the Import classification file dialog the option "Suppress preview" can be chosen to speed up the importing once the correct import settings have been established for an environment
  6. Cross out lists also available for time trials
  7. For time trials on gross time an arrival list is generated, that shows the stage results sorted on the moment of arrival of each competitor (specifically targetted at an on-site presenter or journalists)
  8. All half stages, bonuses, sprints, etc. can each be configured in one place, rather than on a per half stage basis, through Configure all in the Configure menu
  9. The inappropriate context-sensitive menus for communiqué preview, license and credits views are suppressed
  10. All publications can automatically be assigned communiqué numbers
  11. An HC class is available in addition to the four existing classes for climbing classifications
  12. Most aggressive rider competition can be enabled by entering points schemes in involved half stage's settings dialogs
  13. The event tree can be hidden by double-clicking the splitter bar or dragging it the left edge
  14. Bug fixed that did not properly show the Event Items Selection dialog when it was selected in the View menu the first time
  15. Through Upload settings it can be chosen that uploaded files are put in a dedicated folder, which's name is based on the event title
  16. In the Arrival dialog at cursor position, empty positions in the ranking order can be inserted now
  17. Through the Options dialog it can be selected now to have Ins/Del keys to work in the Arrivals dialog to respectively insert empty positions or declass. a selection
  18. Correction to sign-in lists where they also included already signed out competitors
  19. In addition to the existing three masks, now up to ten masks are supported
  20. Import (preview) routines changed to support the occurences of the selected reserved separator symbol inside fields (enclosed in quotes)
  21. Time trial arrival dialogs corrected to have the input focus jump back to the start no. edit box again after submitting an entry
  22. Time trial order can be changed now, even after the involved competitors have been ranked for the particular time trial stage (this depending on the corresponding setting in the half stage configuration)
  23. French language added to application executable, therefore StageRace will run in French on computers with a Windows® version in that language
  24. After automatically generating a time trial starting order with the "avoid consecutive team members" option set, a warning is issued now in case of the result not matching this particular criteria (this can happen if these consecutive members are at a particular end of the order list; it is by design, because it's not covered by any regulations, and it is up to the race organiser to decide upon)

COM Server

  1. StageRace acts as a server and exposes interfaces in accordance with the Component Object Model (COM), providing functionality to external clients:
    • IStageRaceServer
      • Sending messages to the server operator
      • Enumerating opened documents on the server and hooking on to one, or directly hook on to the active document as it is selected on the server
    • IStageRaceDoc
      • Checking existance of a specific competitor
      • Querying competitor details
      • Enumerating available (half) stages and their names and hooking on to one
    • ISRHalfStage
      • Enumerating available competitors for the half stage
      • Querying time trial start information of a specific competitor
      • Querying current arrival information of a specific competitor
      • Setting arrival information of a specific competitor (based on rank and/or time)
      • Resetting arrival information of a specific competitor
      • Indicating timing being idle (so that the server can perform time consuming overall processing, such as group time and bonusses)
    1. Various internal object lists optimized for multithreading
    2. COM server connected to the messaging protocol status bar indicator
    3. StageRace documents locked when client hook exists
    4. StageRace locked when client connection exists
    5. StageRace dynamically loads and unloads server registration on startup and exit so that the server can only be called when a StageRace instance is already running

May 9th 2005

Program: V3.01 - 2005.3.01 bèta

File format:


Messaging protocol:

SR Server 1.00

The following internal beta builds lead to this V3.01 beta release:

  • Build 1676: April 13th 2005
  1. Internal locking mechanism fixed for serialisation of competitor lists
  2. Masks 4-10 properly stored now, which was resulting in the stored file not being valid anymore for opening
  3. Opened HtmlHelp window names not being passed anymore, since these were giving problem (annoying message boxes)
  4. Portuguese added to language database
  5. Generating of cross-out lists taught to consider time cut-offs
  6. Automatic generating after changes to stage ranking made to also generate cross out and sign in lists

August 15th 2006

Program: V3.10 - 2005.3.10 final

File format:


Messaging protocol:

SR Server 1.00
  1. Bug fixed that prevented the COM server from starting up properly
  2. Through Ranking settings it is now possible to make stage results to be printed for sprint classifications, rather than only intermediate and general
  3. For masked classifications now also stage classifications are printed, in addition to general classifications (note that ex equos will be preserved, while unmasked rankings are removed)
  4. Through HTML settings UCI Code columns can be chosen to be printed in fixed width
  5. Made it impossible to add dirty characters into the points/seconds lists for bonus, most aggressive rider, climb, sprint and points classifications trial dat [12]
  6. Upgrade from MS JET 3.5 to 4.0 also processed in Setup [11]
  7. Upgrade of Help system to 2005 software [8]
  8. Bug fixed where the time trial arrival tab sheet (for net time trial) could not fill the Time control when selecting a previously classified competitor [13]
  9. Changes made to Functions menu in Arrival tab sheet that prevented all the functions to work in all circumstances [14]
  10. More correct (half) stage indication in event item selection dialog (e.g. considering a prologue) [15]

August 18th 2006

Program: V3.11 - 2005.3.11 final update

File format:


Messaging protocol:

SR Server 1.00
  1. Internal locking mechanism fixed for applying masks [22]
  2. Correction to the used communiqué numbers for general classifications on start no. [23, 25]
  3. Problem fixed where stage and half stage communiqués were written to the same file [24]
  4. Style sheet entries improved because for a number of publication parts not the correct resizable fonts were used [25]

August 20th 2006

Program: V3.12 - 2005.3.12 final update

File format:


Messaging protocol:

SR Server 1.00
  1. Mail settings added to upload settings that allow for defining recipients on beforehand (and if they're To or BCC) [30]
  2. Added a changed calculation method available in the ranking settings that takes the bunches' best three times rather than the best three ranks (not necessarily the same) to calculate the teams stage classification from [31]
  3. Signature edit box in publication settings made vertically scrollable [32]
  4. Times in Start interval dialog for time trial starting order can now be entered through nice time edit controls rather than in a multiple of seconds [34]
  5. Added column separator lines to competitors list per team, configurable through the publication settings [35]
  6. Illegal characters in file names (entered in configuration) will now be replaced by underscores [36]
  7. Bug fixed where Copy in the Event items selection dialog forgot to add a backslash which rendered it rather useless
  8. Drag both half stage and general masked classification publications to the Event items selections dialog in one go, using their parent folder [38]
  9. Select All added to communiqué dialog [39]

August 20th 2006

Program: V3.13 - 2005.3.13 final update

File format:


Messaging protocol:

SR Server 1.00
  1. Ranking settings made to allow calculation depths of 1 [42]

August 26th 2006

Program: V3.14 - 2005.3.14 final update

File format:


Messaging protocol:

SR Server 1.00
  1. Improvement of [fix 106] because some tree items could now not be dragged anymore to the event items selection dialog [44]

August 21st 2007

Program: V3.20 - 2005.3.20 final update

File format:


Messaging protocol:

SR Server 1.00
  1. Choose to exclude time cut offs from general sprint, points, climbing and most aggressive classifications [49]
  2. "Half stage" indication now called "Stage", in case only one half stage within a full stage or day, on a few publications [52]
  3. Time trial starting order function (Start interval dialog) to automatically generate starting times can now also be selected to work descending (so that one can enter when the last riding competitor is going to start, and work back from there) [53]
  4. Exporting of comma-separated values (CSV) files can be enabled through publication settings [58]. Undocumented. Affects:
    • Exporting to .csv (text-based) files
    • Copy, mail and upload functions in the "Event items selection" dialog
    • Added view through "View CSV publications" in the View menu

June 14th 2008

Program: V3.21 - 2005.3.21 final update

File format:


Messaging protocol:

SR Server 1.00
  1. Bug fixed that made the application crash when generating publications without any stages being set-up [61]
  2. Bug fixed that made the 1/1000ths of the last arrival in a time trial not appear, even though higher accuracy times were configured for all competitors [62]
  3. Bug fixed that made the last competitor of a stage arrival not appear if needed so in a masked classification [63]
  4. Removed Windows version check on installation, because Setup application was reported to not properly recognise Windows Vista

October 27th 2008

Program: V3.22 - 2005.3.22 final update

File format:


Messaging protocol:

SR Server 1.00
  1. Bug fixed that rendered the "sum rankings" general classification sort order quite useless [65]

December 7th 2012

Program: V3.23 - 2005.3.23 final update

File format:


Messaging protocol:

SR Server 1.00
  1. Updated toolchain and fixing subsequent issues [67, 71, 73-76, 93-105, 108]
  2. Bug fixed where the wrong rank was taken as the last ranking in calculating the general classification [68, 77]
  3. Added "Time trials - Last ranking" sort order option for calculating the general classification [69]
  4. Always discarding 1/xth seconds when calculating speed, as using 1/xth seconds in time trial classifications lead to what seemed discrepancies with the header information (that didn't use the 1/xth seconds, as would the general classification); note that while less accurate, this is more consistent between the different classifications [70]
  5. Making hardware keys work with new toolchain and Windows 7 [72]
  6. Making installation of hardware key device drivers work on 64-bit Windows 7 [106]
  7. Make it possible for the language database to be opened even when no write permissions in program folder [109]

Note that this V3.23 was tested on Windows 7. Older versions of Windows are per V3.23 no longer supported.

December 20th 2012

Latest, current version

Program: V3.24 - 2005.3.24 final update

File format:


Messaging protocol:

SR Server 1.00
  1. Updated DLL dependencies


The reflected version number corresponds to the version information which can be found through About in the Help menu. If this page is part of a help file, this help file always connects to the latest, current version as reflected in the table above.


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